So having said that, my alarm at 7:30 AM was overambitious... especially going by my standards of waking up on a Sunday morning, and that too after not having slept at all since Saturday night... Well, all said and done, I somehow managed to wake up by 9:00 and reach the venue at around 10 am... As soon as I stepped into IIT, my college memories were back. Just like @beeayeanoowhy had also tweeted out. So well, yea, it was really a good feeling to be attending this session. I reached on time, and we hadn't started till about 11:00 AM, hoping for some others to join us as well... but, I guess this time around it was a few handful of us say about 20-30 people who were going to talk about our blogging experiences.
One of the best things about this kind of a format is that it encourages you to really talk without any inhibitions about what you want to and as bloggers discuss things openly and not hesitate making an opinion, besides of course on their blogs. Some of them knew each other and had interacted with each other many times, some were new and new to blogcamp itself, myself included. So we didn't kind of know, what to expect.

That was one of the strong messages that came out and I really felt where a lot of us agreed to was the fact that blogging as a whole is and will be in the future taken as a serious community. Yes there was discussion about 'Are bloggers out there to sell themseves out to Brands/PR agencies? or are we free to write our own independent content and yet be appreciated by these same brands for voicing our honest opinions. Also, whether blogging can be seriously taken or is taken as mainstream media... How does user generated content become important in taking important decisions of buying products, vs just making a simple decision of watching a movie or not. For that matter, what is the definition of the true purpose of why a blog exists and what it achieves to really do
Essentially a blog was a 'Web Log' Blogs are usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. (Wikipedia) but now, we all know that a blog is more than that and a blogger has evolved manifolds.
What Next :-
1) Collaborate info blogs which leads to a close local community .
2) Moving blogs - smart phone enabled community bloggers who are on the move and updating info on the site as they move .
just a few of the thoughts
wallah! super post!
think we should have this more often. hai naa?
Thanks! Indeed... it was fun having this session...Should have it more often and we can talk a lot more about various topics... :)
The second point is really amazing... Especially with On-the go kind of a culture we are developing..What's more, very helpful for me... :)
One of our first attendees at the camp, Srini you sure made our day sharing your experience and plans. looking forward to see your posts from the tour.
We shall do this often and I am sure you would jump in to volunteer as an unorganizer aswell :) !
Thanks dude! I hope to make it interesting for everyone following the same... And yes, I'd certainly love to volunteer as an unorganizer :) You can count on me ;)
Nice writeup! Being your first blogcamp, I do hope you don't make it your last.
Hope to see you again!
Thanks Pradeep ;) I sure do hope to be there again. In fact I'm going to be part of volunteer team for next blog camp. :)
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